State Rep. Perry A. Stambaugh | Pennsylvania 86th Legislative District
State Rep. Perry A. Stambaugh | Pennsylvania 86th Legislative District
State Sen. Greg Rothman (R-34) and Rep. Perry Stambaugh (R-86) are organizing a free Concealed Carry Seminar on Wednesday, July 31. The event will take place at Shermans Dale Community Fire Co., located at 5450 Spring Road, Shermans Dale, from 6-8 p.m. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.
Perry County Sheriff David Hammar is scheduled to present information on Pennsylvania’s concealed-carry permitting process and firearms laws.
“Pennsylvanians have the right to bear arms -- a right that is protected by both the U.S. Constitution and the Pennsylvania Constitution,” Rothman stated. “We’re pleased to offer this event as a resource to those interested in learning about the Commonwealth’s concealed-carry laws, related responsibilities, and best practices.”
“Pennsylvania’s firearms laws are nuanced, so I’m thankful we have Sheriff Hammar coming to this event to cover changes and updates for responsible gun owners,” Stambaugh added. “This seminar offers an important opportunity for information gathering and having questions answered.”
RSVPs are requested but not required. Residents can RSVP at or by calling (717) 582-2454.