State Rep. Perry A. Stambaugh | Pennsylvania 86th Legislative District
State Rep. Perry A. Stambaugh | Pennsylvania 86th Legislative District
Rep. Stambaugh was featured in the May 2024 issue of Penn Lines magazine, a publication by the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association, his former employer. The article discusses the 58-year history and evolution of the publication with two former editor colleagues. Penn Lines is a monthly magazine that reaches more than 235,000 rural households, farms, seasonal camps, and businesses served by the state’s 13 not-for-profit, consumer-owned electric cooperatives across 42 Commonwealth counties. This includes about 1,400 Valley Rural Electric Cooperative accounts in Lack, Tuscarora, Beale, Spruce Hill, and Turbett townships in Juniata County and a few residences in Toboyne Township, Perry County connected to Adams Electric Cooperative lines.