This image was a detail shot for the day, showcasing one of the nannies playing blocks with the children, who were both eagerly engaged—a rare moment for the rambunctious ones! ; ) | Marisa Howenstine ︳Unsplash
This image was a detail shot for the day, showcasing one of the nannies playing blocks with the children, who were both eagerly engaged—a rare moment for the rambunctious ones! ; ) | Marisa Howenstine ︳Unsplash
Some of the teachers used St. Patrick's Day as a fun teaching tool. Mrs. Jones's 2nd Graders had to design a blue print, pick a material, build the trap, explain the usage, state how they improved their creations, and tell about what parts were easy and hard about the process! Mrs. Thompson's 3rd Graders also made some traps and brought them to school. Great job everyone!!!
Original source can be found here.